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Saturday, June 22, 2013

High School Football Recruiting Takes Place Early

By Linda Maynard

For many of the kids who have dreams of playing in the National Football League they have to start playing football at an early age. There are cases of people who have a late start and still make it but they are rare. Generally high school football recruiting starts at a young age and has a lot to do with their later career chances.

Many people think that an athletic career has its roots in college, and for some kids that might be true. But for the majority of people who do make it all the way, it is high school that most kids get their starts. This is an age that kids turn into men and that they learn a great deal about who they are as an individual.

That is really the story of how to make it to the big leagues. The story of how other people can help. These kids have to start taking their dreams very seriously way before high school. They need to start being serious in middle school. They start playing in about 7th grade. But they can start earlier than that with pop Warner teams.

Once they are in Middle School they will have already gained a pretty good knowledge of the game. They will learn much more in school and by the time they get to 8th grade they will start to be recruited by high school scouts. These scouts will come to watch their games as much as possible and they will know who they want right away.

Once they get into high school they start to have a more difficult time with things. Everything becomes a lot harder for them than it used to be because life gets harder. They will have a lot more work to do academically and they will also be putting more time in on the field as well. They will be working harder than ever.

Some of them can also see how much talent they actually have. Some of them handle it very well and are very humble and modest about their ability. Yet still others handle it all very poorly. The scouts will look for these things out of the players and unless the person is so good that they are above and beyond everyone else, these things can ruin their chances.

That is exactly why all of these scouts look at these various things that take place in their lives. They want to see how they handle these issues while they are young because it is a good indication of how they will deal with them as they get older. Nobody wants a person who will turn out to be a greedy jerk.

There jobs are not easy, not by a long shot. But high school football recruiting definitely has a place in the whole scheme of things. If it was not for them the colleges would make many more mistakes on who they give scholarships to and the National Football League would have many more failed draft picks.

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